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“Before she begins you immediately get that Hanna has a clear and unshakable sense of purpose. She is here to help you, and she will.”

-Joe M. 

“I participate in a bi-monthly Reiki Healing Circle with Hanna. I have to say that Hanna’s Reiki Healing Sessions in the group always leave me relaxed, calm, yet completely rejuvenated. I can honestly say that a sense of euphoria overtakes me each time! How I so look forward of those Reiki Healing Circles.”

-Marisa M

“I was under a lot of stress at work, feeling that everything that I build up over the years was being changed by new management. But after my first reiki with Hanna it felt all lifted off of my shoulders. After that first session it never bothered me again. Thank You Hanna.” 


“Hanna is a powerful Reiki Master and empath that uses her gifts coupled with healing energy to create a wonderful healing experience. I would recommend her to anyone to receive a Reiki treatment”. 

   -Johnny Angel 

“As soon as Hanna begins to use Reiki on me I feel a powerful energy that causes me to deeply relax.”


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